Juan Aguirre
Executive Director
Andrea Arroyo
Artist Employment Program,
Creatives Rebuild New York
Board of Directors
Lisia Leon
Paduano & Weintraub
Jesus Perez
Brooklyn College/City University of New York
Juan Rosa
NALEO Educational Fund
Emeritus Board
Alyshia Galvez
Elizabeth Rivera
Emily Socolov, Ph.D. Founder Folklorist
Isabel Martinez
Vicky Ramirez
Damian Vargas
Cesar Zuñiga
Emily Socolov, Ph.D., is a folklorist, visual artist, and activist based in New York City and Austin, Texas, deeply interested in life history, cultural imaginaries, and social justice. She was the founding Executive Director of Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders.
Thank you
Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders would like to thank past collaborators for their hard work and important contributions to the success of this project. These include:
Luz Aguirre
Miguel Ángel Andrade, Miguel Ángel Ángeles, Miguel Bonilla, Adriana Caballero, John Camacho, Brenda Campos, Juan Castaño, Mercedes Caso, Juan Castillo, Itandehui Chávez-Geller, Jorge Cortes, Miguel A. Cossio, Angelica Diaz, Juventina Durán, Janet Falk, Elizabeth Ferrer, Aurelia Fernández Marure, Alyshia Gálvez, Mayra García, Yolanda Leticia García, Mary Teresa Giancoli, José Refugio González, Lupita González, Enrique González Ibarra, Antonia Guerrero, Mónica Guevara, Carlos Gutierrez, Gabriel Guzmán, Jairo Guzmán, Ashleigh Hendrix, Carlos D. Hernandez, Verónica Hernández, Erasmo Herrera, Laura Jackson, Eriko Katsuyama, Margarita Larios, Estela López Schmidt, Mercedes López, Rocio Marquez Rodríguez, Joaquín Martínez, Tanya Melendez, Rosa Ocampo, Leslie Ogan, Cecilia Ortega, Felipe J Ortega-Gómez, Maegan Pacheco, Julia del Palacio, Álvaro Paulino Jr., Ramon Ponce Jr, Ramon Ponce Sr, Cathy Ragland, Alda Reuter, Esther Roth, Ariel Alejandro Rodríguez, Zafiro Zatzin Romero, Mary Ellen Sanger, Kirsten Schmitt, Steve Sunderland, Jennifer Vallone, Jorge Vargas, Erika Vilfort
Project Inters
Liz Abraham, Geoffroy Aubrey, Manuel Cartagena, Laura Celaya, YukChi Chiu, Ferlan Chua, Arianna Corredor, Laura Denham, N'deye Diop, Eric Estevez, Tzetzangari Fernandez, Salvatore Giametta, Daryl Johnson, Sang Yeob / Christopher Kim, Sylvia Lande, Junior G. Lauture, Leah Lowthorp, Eric Magalong, Cait Makielski, Christina Mancheno, Marta McAdams (Skowronska), Talia Mills, Divine Muragijimana, Samantha Nelson, Anna Peckham, Daria Preston, Stacy-Ann Rose, Anya Rous, Alejandro Robert Minchaca, Alicia Portada, Ashok Rajamani, Allison Russell, Luis Saavedra, Yvette Salinas, Armando Sanjur, Naomi Sturm, Lucas Suarez, Thelma Suarez, Jean Tanis, Cos Tollerson, Daisy, Gladys and Julio Urbano, Mayra Vargas, Shawn Wiley